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Ng Sebastian
Talk show Celebes TV live

Ng Sebastian
Talk Show Live Celebes TV


Ng Sebastian
Talk show Celebes TV live
incito.Vacations is a trasformation of Incito Tour which was found in 2005 based on the more than 20 years of experience in tourism of Ng Sebastian - it's owner.
The Company is registered at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Republic Indonesia as PT. INCITO PRIMA. PT is stand for Perseroan Terbatas which equal to Limited (Ltd) Company.
The company uses Incito Tour as it's Public Identity since back in 2005. Realised that internet is bridging the company with its clients easily, then Incito.Vacations is developed
Incito.Vacations is owned by the native of Indonesia hence local values are blend well with modern knowhow in running the business.
One of the basic cultural pattern of the Indonesian ethnic groups in Indonesia is to maintain balance. Substances come in pairs. Sun and Moon, Day and night, Man and Woman. Heaven and Earth etc. logo reflects the philosophy. Yet it is taken from the real work of civilisation of a sub-ethnic of Riung on Flores Island - Indonesia. Locally named Mansong. It is an almost extinct pendant which made of either gold or silver.
By using it as our Logo, is doing its best to preserve the indigeneous civilisations amids the wave of modernisation.
The welfare of locals are better preserved in their genuine site. Your visit to their places help local civilisation alive. To keep the human and nature in balance.
We are specialised in the off the beaten path Indonesia especially in Eastern Indonesia. The area offers genuine attractions in the remote destination Indonesia. Remote yet within reach.
We offer customised tour packages at the off the beaten path destinations in Indonesia, beyond Bali from shore excursions to volcano climbing to white water rafting and many more.
Explore off the beaten path destinations beyond Bali, involve with locals and relax at our remote hideaways
Your Native Indonesian Hosts
at the destination
Telephone/ WhatsApp
+62 811 414769
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