Discover the Endemic Fauna of Sulawesi
Sulawesi is home to various animals which is only exist on the Island. Such animals you will never find anywhere on earth. It is one of the reason why Sir Alfred Russel Wallace - the British Naturalist made Wallace line which which separates Asian influenced fauna area with Sulawesi. The line stretched along Makassar Strait to border Wester Indonesian islands which includes Kalimantan, Java with Sulawesi Island.
The trip brings you to the natural habitat of Maleo, Babirusa, Maccaca Nigra, Maccaca Maura, Sulawesi Hornbill and many other endemic fauna of Sulawesi.
The habitat of endemic Sulawesi Fauna are now mostly on National Parks and Nature Reserves. The trip is included the visit to the National Parks.

Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park.
It is the home of Maccaca maura, Tarsius Spectrum, Various Butterflies and many more living creatures

Nantu Wildlife Reserve
It is the home of Babirusa and various animals included endemic Sulawesi Hornbills

Panua Nature Reserve
The visit to the nature resreve is worth doing as it is the home of Maleo - the encemic Sulawesi bird which lay eggs on the ground without nesting them. But instead the bird sig holes to lay the eggs.

Tangkoko Nature Reserve
Tangkoko is known for its Tarsier - Tarsius spectrum or locally named as Tangkasi. The forest of Tangkoko is also home for hundreds of Yaki or Maccaca Nigra - the endemic monkey of Sulawesi. Up in the forest canopy there are Sulawesi Hornbills.